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Student Conduct and Attendance

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!
The policies, 马伦学院的程序和指导方针是为了教育而设计的, 促进, 为喇沙修士的五项核心原则作出贡献. As a current, incoming or prospective family, 大发彩票平台鼓励你去探索和熟悉大发彩票平台的学生手册, attendance policy, dress standard, code of conduct and other policies. 如果您有任何问题,大发彩票平台鼓励您与大发彩票平台联系.

衣服 Code Frequently Asked Questions

List of 4 frequently asked questions.

  • Why does Mullen have a 衣服 & Appearance Code?

    为了与包容社区的喇沙修士核心原则保持一致,大发彩票平台保持统一 dress and appearance code. 遵守马伦统一着装规定为每个学生提供了一种展示他们充分参与学校社区的手段. Compliant apparel may be purchased through Land’s End, Educational Outfitters以及由马伦家长协会经营的马伦服饰店.


  • What are the various dress code requirements?

    The Mullen uniform standards are listed below:

    Regular 衣服

    Not 允许
    Shirts and Blouses
    • 白色、海军蓝、灰色、淡黄色或淡蓝色马伦牌马球
    • 马伦队或俱乐部的有领衬衫,必须符合奥斯卡认可的统一标准.
    • sleeveless shirts
    • distressed shirts
    • 吊带衫 
    • 连帽衫 worn under polos
    • non-Mullen branded shirts or outerwear
    Pants, and Shorts

    先生们 :
    Pants and Shorts
    • 海军蓝、灰色或卡其色的校服裤子或带腰带环的短裤. 当学生站立时,短裤应悬挂在膝盖以上(距膝盖2英寸以内). 
    • sweatpants, athletic pants
    • 打底裤
    • yoga pants
    • cargo pants, shorts
    • corduroy pants
    • cut-off shorts

    • sweatpants, athletic pants
    • cargo pants, shorts
    • corduroy pants
    • shorts with rolled cuffs
    • athletic shorts
    P.E. 衣服
    • short-sleeved or long-sleeved shirts. 
    • 当学生站立时,运动服短裤应悬挂在膝盖或膝盖上方(距膝盖2英寸以内). 
    • activewear sweatpants
    • appropriate athletic shoes 

    • inappropriate logos or advertisements (i.e. alcohol brands)
    • 运动短裤完全被超大的t恤遮住了.
    • Mullen-branded jackets, 连帽衫, or 毛衣. 
    • 统一标准的马伦牌球队或俱乐部夹克、卫衣或毛衣

    • non-Mullen branded outerwear, regardless of color
    • non-Mullen branded jackets
    • 所有的鞋必须是封闭的脚趾或有后跟带.

    • flip flops
    • house shoes/slippers
    • 除了鼻子上的小耳钉外,身体上的穿孔和纹身在上学期间都必须遮盖起来.
    • hair must be a natural color.
    • 头饰和帽子-包括兜帽(除非学生行为和出勤办公室批准)
    先生们 Appearance
    • 在校期间,长发及肩者必须梳起. Long hair must be well-kept.
    • a well-groomed, neat-looking mustache.
    • any facial hair aside from a mustache

    Special Event and Spirit 衣服

    Not 允许
    Ladies Special Event
    • 短袖或长袖连衣裙或高领的正装衬衫
    • 当学生站立时,衣服应悬挂在膝盖以上(距膝盖3英寸以内). 
    • 学生站立时悬挂在膝盖或膝盖正上方(离膝盖2英寸以内)的裙子. 
    • dress slacks
    • dress shoes
    • sleeveless “cold-shoulder,” or strapless dresses
    • 牛仔布 
    • sandals, slippers, or athletic shoes
    先生们 Special Event
    • collared dress shirts (tie optional)
    • dress pants
    • dress shoes with socks
    • 牛仔布
    • sandals, slippers, or athletic shoes 
    Spirit 衣服
    • Mullen t-shirts, collared shirts, 连帽衫, long-sleeved shirts, 毛衣, or appropriately themed shirts
    • 高级精神工作服(内穿短袖或长袖衬衫)
    • 蓝色、灰色、白色或黑色的牛仔裤、慢跑裤或卡其裤
    • jeans with rips, tears, or holes
    • sweatpants
    • inappropriate logos or advertisements (i.e. alcohol brands)

  • What is acceptable attire for Physical Education?

    允许Not 允许

    • short-sleeved or long-sleeved shirts. 
    • 运动服短裤(长20英寸或不短于膝盖以上3英寸).
    • activewear sweatpants
    • appropriate athletic shoes
    • inappropriate logos or advertisements (i.e. alcohol brands)
    • 运动短裤完全被超大的t恤遮住了.
  • What about piercings, tattoos, and hair?

    All students
    • 在上学期间,必须遮盖身体穿孔和纹身.
    • hair must be of a typical human color.
    • 帽子-包括兜帽(除非学生行为和出勤办公室批准)
    • 在校期间,长发及肩者必须梳起. 长发必须保持整洁,看起来很专业.
    • facial hair is not permitted

Attendance Frequently Asked Questions

List of 8 frequently asked questions.

  • Who do I notify when I'll be absent?

    你的父母或监护人应通知勤务秘书(303).761.1266) of your absence by 9:00 a.m. on the day in which it occurs. 如果不这样做,将导致出勤秘书的电话. 如果学生没有接到家长/监护人的电话就离开了课堂,那么他当天的每门课都会被标记为“无理由”.
  • What if I'm running late?

    如果你不能在下课铃响之前赶到学校, 请向出勤秘书确认是否有迟到单. 你的父母或监护人需要打电话告诉大发彩票平台你迟到的原因. 如果大发彩票平台没有收到他们的回复,就会被视为"无故迟到"你将被关禁闭.
  • What do I do if I need to leave early?

  • What if I'll be absent for a while?

    大发彩票平台真的鼓励父母/监护人避免安排家庭旅行或度假,这会导致你, the student, missing school. 然而, if you need to be absent for 4 or more days, 请到学生行为与出勤办公室领取“延期缺勤”表.
  • What is an "excessive" number of absences?

    OSCA会审查任何未通过考试的学生的记录 individual class 10 times or is absent from  50 total classes (7 full days of school) during a particular semester.  旷课过多的后果可能包括参加家长助理校长会议,并被列入出勤合同.  Missing an individual class 15 times 会导致学生退学吗.
  • What is Truancy?

    "Truancy" is the term we use for students who:
    • come to school but do not report to class
    • 离校未通知出勤部长者
    • leave class without permission
    • 不向他们要求报告的地点报告.
    旷课将立即通知学生的家长或监护人, 该学生将被转介给学生教务处采取进一步行动.
  • Can I attend class virtually (through Zoom)?

  • I'm (finally) a Senior! Can I go off-campus?

    可以,只要你和你的父母或监护人填妥 electronic permission form. 但请记住,这是一种特权,而不是权利——它是可以被剥夺的!

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